I never thought about shaving my head, never! My hair always had to be perfect, otherwise I would have a bad day - you know, that day society refers to as a "bad hair-day" that puts you in a weird funk? Well, I recently came to realize how much my hair was managing my life! I noticed that when I get a hair cut, I would feel fresh and renewed, without realizing there was a lot of ego in my hair. I had to make sure I fit into society by looking presentable, and into a criteria for women. Where did that come from? Who made the rules of how we are suppose to look or wear our hair?
Like life endures on all of us to learn lessons, I was going through a personal experience that was really hurting my heart. I was having a spiritual challenge and personal struggle with my emotions during this time. A struggle of attachments and then detaching from the experience was in order. Focusing on the pain of this situation, instead of the lesson, it was guiding me off my path. I needed something drastic to move me from how I was feeling. "SHAVING MY HEAD," I heard a loud voice in my head say. "WHAT?".... Why my hair, I thought. I had to sit with that thought; why would I shave my head of all things? As I am going through an Advanced Life Coaching Class and I look across the room, three ladies sitting across me have their heads shaved, WOW! Is that a sign? In the past few months I felt like my life needed a change, as I got into a routine that made me feel like my life was loosing the meaning of being alive.
I decided to do deeper work, recognizing that I could not continue my life so dull. I needed to STEP INTO MY LIFE'S PURPOSE and not let myself go or give up. Then I though, give up from what? I do feel lucky, grateful, blessed and fortunate. I do realize that sometimes changes come with a drastic spiritual awaking and/or near death experiences that awaken someone, to help them truly LIVE LIFE. Realizing that I didn't need a near death experience, I knew I needed to make a drastic change of energy, to really move me from the place I was. "Shaving my head." I had to do some research, meditate and pray. I really wanted to do it, but I wasn't sure. The more I meditated, the more it felt like that's what I needed to do. To honor my feelings I gave myself three more days to reflect.
I set a date after attending Sunday's Mass. To my surprise, Father Jorge's talk (sermon) was about letting go, shedding the old. It was my third sign! I had realized that I had made several decisions in my life that were not my own decisions. This experience was different, because it didn't matter what people thought or had to say. It did come to my mind - "What is my family going to think of me?" I cannot live my life worrying about what people think. I kept thinking, many babies come into this lifetime with no hair. I came into the world with no hair born. This too would be an act of Re-Birth! And this Re-Birth could give me a more graceful way of looking at this experience.
Like I mentioned, I needed the energy to shift within in me, deep inside of my being. Not just my within my body, but within my TRUE SELF, my spirit. So, it was decided, to let go of the old attachments, release any obsessive thoughts, and transcend judgment and fear. I reached a new awareness and made the choice to transcend my emotional feelings. I was now ready to change my life by shedding the old.
The day of transformation arrived. I walked into the hairstylist and asked her to shave my head! She said "REALLY!, ARE YOU SURE?" I replied confidently, "YES, I AM!" Then she began to tell me a story about when she had shaved her hair off at one point in her life, out of anger. She enjoyed the experience. As I was sitting there, I was sweating and in deep though. When she began shaving, my head felt lighter immediately, WOW! I couldn't believe I was going through with it. I walked out feeling FREE! I didn't know what to think but I didn't care, it just felt good that I followed through. I was finally Liberated!
Much to my delight, I have receive nothing but support from others; love and beautiful comments have lifted my spirit. I feel Loved, I am Loved and I Love myself SO MUCH! If you have thoughts about shaving your head or trimming your hair, I really encourage that you meditate on it - explore the reason behind your intention. Don't let people tell you different about having the perfect head/hair or not, that doesn't matter - it's about your intention to transcend over what is facing you in the moment, and to face it with Grace. You are already beautiful and you are going to SHINE no matter what. All that matters is HOW YOU FEEL, because that's how you will radiate, and that's how you will shine unto the world.
Out of curiosity, I Googled "women shaving their heads." This is what I found to be very interesting. The number of women who shave their heads is significantly smaller than the number of men who do the same. Social pressures regarding appearance are generally felt more strongly by women, and female headshaving is considered taboo to many people.
All of this being said, let your experience guide you, and pray for the answer, it will come. I prayed on this for three days and decided that after church I was going to drive to see my hairstylist. I took a print out of how I wanted to be and I receive so much love from her that I felt supported. Even if she had not, I would have done it anyway, because this was not about her. After this liberating experience, when I walked out, I felt so light and free. Immediately after this I began to receive a few message, to Wait For Guidance. WOW! Was shaving my head the first step on the path to getting the spiritual answers I seek? Who knows really, but my experience has been an answered prayer, a liberating and amazing blessing! I am not saying this is for everyone, but do try and figure out what can help you step into your TRUE LIGHT TO SHINE! Be who YOU are really meant to BE in this lifetime!
Like life endures on all of us to learn lessons, I was going through a personal experience that was really hurting my heart. I was having a spiritual challenge and personal struggle with my emotions during this time. A struggle of attachments and then detaching from the experience was in order. Focusing on the pain of this situation, instead of the lesson, it was guiding me off my path. I needed something drastic to move me from how I was feeling. "SHAVING MY HEAD," I heard a loud voice in my head say. "WHAT?".... Why my hair, I thought. I had to sit with that thought; why would I shave my head of all things? As I am going through an Advanced Life Coaching Class and I look across the room, three ladies sitting across me have their heads shaved, WOW! Is that a sign? In the past few months I felt like my life needed a change, as I got into a routine that made me feel like my life was loosing the meaning of being alive.
I decided to do deeper work, recognizing that I could not continue my life so dull. I needed to STEP INTO MY LIFE'S PURPOSE and not let myself go or give up. Then I though, give up from what? I do feel lucky, grateful, blessed and fortunate. I do realize that sometimes changes come with a drastic spiritual awaking and/or near death experiences that awaken someone, to help them truly LIVE LIFE. Realizing that I didn't need a near death experience, I knew I needed to make a drastic change of energy, to really move me from the place I was. "Shaving my head." I had to do some research, meditate and pray. I really wanted to do it, but I wasn't sure. The more I meditated, the more it felt like that's what I needed to do. To honor my feelings I gave myself three more days to reflect.
I set a date after attending Sunday's Mass. To my surprise, Father Jorge's talk (sermon) was about letting go, shedding the old. It was my third sign! I had realized that I had made several decisions in my life that were not my own decisions. This experience was different, because it didn't matter what people thought or had to say. It did come to my mind - "What is my family going to think of me?" I cannot live my life worrying about what people think. I kept thinking, many babies come into this lifetime with no hair. I came into the world with no hair born. This too would be an act of Re-Birth! And this Re-Birth could give me a more graceful way of looking at this experience.
Like I mentioned, I needed the energy to shift within in me, deep inside of my being. Not just my within my body, but within my TRUE SELF, my spirit. So, it was decided, to let go of the old attachments, release any obsessive thoughts, and transcend judgment and fear. I reached a new awareness and made the choice to transcend my emotional feelings. I was now ready to change my life by shedding the old.
The day of transformation arrived. I walked into the hairstylist and asked her to shave my head! She said "REALLY!, ARE YOU SURE?" I replied confidently, "YES, I AM!" Then she began to tell me a story about when she had shaved her hair off at one point in her life, out of anger. She enjoyed the experience. As I was sitting there, I was sweating and in deep though. When she began shaving, my head felt lighter immediately, WOW! I couldn't believe I was going through with it. I walked out feeling FREE! I didn't know what to think but I didn't care, it just felt good that I followed through. I was finally Liberated!
Much to my delight, I have receive nothing but support from others; love and beautiful comments have lifted my spirit. I feel Loved, I am Loved and I Love myself SO MUCH! If you have thoughts about shaving your head or trimming your hair, I really encourage that you meditate on it - explore the reason behind your intention. Don't let people tell you different about having the perfect head/hair or not, that doesn't matter - it's about your intention to transcend over what is facing you in the moment, and to face it with Grace. You are already beautiful and you are going to SHINE no matter what. All that matters is HOW YOU FEEL, because that's how you will radiate, and that's how you will shine unto the world.
Out of curiosity, I Googled "women shaving their heads." This is what I found to be very interesting. The number of women who shave their heads is significantly smaller than the number of men who do the same. Social pressures regarding appearance are generally felt more strongly by women, and female headshaving is considered taboo to many people.
All of this being said, let your experience guide you, and pray for the answer, it will come. I prayed on this for three days and decided that after church I was going to drive to see my hairstylist. I took a print out of how I wanted to be and I receive so much love from her that I felt supported. Even if she had not, I would have done it anyway, because this was not about her. After this liberating experience, when I walked out, I felt so light and free. Immediately after this I began to receive a few message, to Wait For Guidance. WOW! Was shaving my head the first step on the path to getting the spiritual answers I seek? Who knows really, but my experience has been an answered prayer, a liberating and amazing blessing! I am not saying this is for everyone, but do try and figure out what can help you step into your TRUE LIGHT TO SHINE! Be who YOU are really meant to BE in this lifetime!